Privacy and Security Notice

Depending on what you do when you visit any web site, you are providing information about your visit to the site’s owner. I value privacy and think you do too, so I want you to have the information you need to make your own decisions about your personal privacy. When you visit or supply information to any web site, we think it’s a good idea for you to first understand what that site’s privacy policies are. If the site doesn’t tell you, don’t hesitate to ask.

The bottom line at is that we use the information that we get from your visit for internal tracking purposes, to make as useful and interesting to you as we can, and to respond to and fulfill your requests for information, products or other services. Except as specifically noted, we do not use the information that we collect from for any other purpose or share it with any third party.

How we protect the security of your personal information:
The security of your personal information is very important to us and we are committed to protecting the information we collect. uses firewalls and has security measures in place at its host’s physical facilities to protect against the loss, misuse, or alteration of information that we have collected from you at our web site. We also work to protect the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input. We reveal only the last five digits of your credit card numbers when confirming an order. Of course, we transmit the entire credit card number to the appropriate credit card company during order processing.
It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer. Be sure to sign off when finished using a shared computer.

Privacy Notice
Information we collect on may be used to enhance your use of this web site in the following way:
We use standard web server log files to help us count visitors and evaluate our site’s technical capacity. We use this information to find out how many people visit, help us  keep the site browser-friendly, and to make our pages more useful to our visitors. We record information on site traffic but not information on individual visitors to our site, so no information about you in particular will be kept or used.

E-mail, Mailing Lists, and Other Services:
When you send us an e-mail, we use your e-mail address to thank you for your comment and/or reply to your question, and we will store your communication and our reply in case we correspond further. Beyond our initial reply, we will never use your e-mail address to send you any unsolicited message or information, nor will we share it with or sell it to anyone else for such use.

When you request information or other services, we use your e-mail address and any other information you give us to provide you with the information or other services you requested until you ask us to stop (using the ‘unsubscribe’ instructions provided with each e-mail and/or on the site where you signed up and/or as we otherwise provide), or until the information or service is no longer available. We will not use your address or other information to provide you with any unsolicited message or information (unless that is part of the service you are requesting).

Linking To Other Sites:
Please remember that when you use a link to go from to another web site, the Privacy Policy is no longer in effect. Your browsing and interaction on any other web site, including any site that has a link on, is subject to the rules and policies of that site. We encourage you to read the rules and policies of the sites you visit to further understand their procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information.

Our policy regarding selling or renting of personal information:
Our policy is simple: we never sell or rent your personal information to any third parties under any circumstances, except in the event of any bankruptcy or reorganization, or a sale of all or substantially all of our assets, as further provided below.

We may employ other companies and individuals to perform services on behalf of, such as administering sweepstakes and contests, sending e-mails, providing marketing assistance, and analyzing data. Such companies and individuals will have access to personal information necessary to perform their services, but will not be permitted to use it for any other purpose.

Banners and Other Advertisements on
Periodically, may display banners and other advertisements that may be placed by third parties. Such advertisers may collect non-personal information (i.e., information that is not identifiable to any individual) when you click or scan one of their advertisements, by placing cookies on your computer or using other technology. Additionally, we may share aggregate information about our visitors to third-party ad servers or potential advertisers in order to provide advertisements on about products and services that may be of interest to you.

Business Transfers:
If a third party acquires all or substantially all of our assets, your personal information, aggregated information, and any other information that we have collected on may be transferred to such third party as part of our business assets. Also, if any bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding is brought by or against us, all such information may be considered one of our assets and may be sold or transferred to third parties.

Disclosure of personal information for legal purposes and protection of and others:
We reserve the right to share your personal information with third parties if required to do so by law or if we believe such action is necessary in order to: (a) conform with the requirements of the law or to comply with legal process served upon us; (b) protect or defend our legal rights or property,, or our users; or (c) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, or violations of the terms and conditions of

Applicability of This Privacy Policy:
This Privacy Policy applies only with respect to the information that we collect on and not to any information that we collect through other methods or sources.

How you can decide what communication you’ll receive from us:
If you choose to receive them, may periodically send you e-mail messages describing updates, new features, or promotional offers related to this web site. You can choose to stop receiving this e-mail at any time. Simply follow the instructions included in your e-mail, or send a reply stating your request.

If you do not explicitly choose to receive informational e-mails, the only e-mail messages you will receive from will be to respond to e-mail inquiries that you send us.

How to update or correct your personal information:
To modify or delete your personal information, simply follow the instructions included in your e-mail, or send a reply stating your request, and we will make the requested changes.

Customer Service and Recourse

Changes to the Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy was posted in July 2020. reserves the right to change, modify or amend this policy at any time. takes privacy matters very seriously, and intends to stay at the forefront of privacy policy and protection matters. will occasionally update the privacy policy and we will post those updates on this page. You are responsible for revisiting this page to review any privacy policy updates.

How to contact
Please note that whenever you submit any information to us in connection with any related services, you consent to’s processing of this information in the United States as necessary to provide the services in which you are participating.

If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, or complaints about’s privacy policy and/or the way it affects you, please feel free to e-mail